Sonntag, 22. September 2013

hello there

Well hello there. This would probably be a good time to introduce myself.
I am not sure if this will be a place where i will be on often. But I will try my best.
I would actually love to start a youtube channel but I am too scared. 
So this is happening.
btw. that is me. the girl at the top. just thought i should point out the obvious.
here we go.
1. My name is Johanna Susanne (my second name. not my last)
2. I have two brothers. ( I love them)
3. Hey_ella inspired me to do this. 
4. I do not live in any english speaking country so excuse any mistakes.
5. Fall is starting and I am sad. I do not like fall or winter.
6. I am not very confident but I am trying my best.
7. I am 16 years old. Thought you should know.
8. I love make-up and fashion. But I hardly ever wear a lot of make-up.
9. I went shopping yesterday and had an amazing suprise happened.
10. I hope you enjoy this. I hopefully will.
11. New York is my favourite place in the world. (Been there this summer)
12. I love traveling.
13. I am professional selfie taker.
14. I love food.
15. I am graduating soon. School is taking a lot of time.
16. I would probably consider myself a shopaholic. 
17.  I love reading.
18. I am a bit of a nerd.
19. I love the beach and sun.
20. I get really miserable when I'm cold.

Thank you for reading. Leave any questions down below. xx

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